Change is the constant of the world
Due to their special responsibility, entrepreneurs and executives in particular are challenged more than ever to find meaning not only for themselves, but also to create it, as well as to make forward-looking decisions for themselves and others.
With my work I support you in paving the way to your personal success – with a sense of proportion and expertise. Sometimes as an attentive listener, sometimes as a challenging sparring partner, sometimes as a cautious advisor – and always with the goal in mind: your success.
I look forward to meeting you!
For people at the top
People at the top of organizations and companies often shoulder unpopular measures, many risks and an exhausting workload.
As an executive coach, I serve as a sparring partner for you to reflect on your own work and actions in an absolutely discreet and trusting setting.
For people in management responsibility
Managers balance a multitude of tasks. In doing so, they are often exposed to a field of tension between superiors, employees and sometimes a watchful public.
As a business coach, I help you develop the skills to manage change.
For people in occupational transition
Every career change offers the chance to reinvent yourself. To finally do the things that fill you with joy. In which you are really good and are appreciated for it.
As a career coach, I serve you to develop your own personal strategy for a successful professional repositioning and also to implement it consistently.
The direct line to Christoph
I look forward to hearing from you!