Future can be shaped

Executives, senior manager and entrepreneurs are challenged more than ever to not only find meaning for themselves, but also to create it, as well as to make forward-looking decisions for themselves and others.

With all my know-how I support you in paving the way to your personal success – with a good sense of pragmatism and my entire expertise. Sometimes as an attentive listener, sometimes as a challenging sparring partner, sometimes as a cautious advisor – and always with the goal in mind: your success.

I look forward to meeting you!

Executive Coaching

People at the top of organizations and companies often shoulder many risks and an exhausting workload.

As an executive coach, I serve leaders worldwide as a sparring partner to help you reflect on your own work in an absolutely discreet and trusting environment.



Management Coaching

Managers balance a variety of tasks. In doing so, they are often exposed to a field of tension between superiors, employees and sometimes also the public.

As a management coach, I help you to further develop your ability to manage change.



Career Coaching

Every career change offers the chance to reinvent yourself. To finally do the things you are really passionate for.

As a career coach, I help you to develop and implement your strategy for a successful professional repositioning.



Customer Voices


Dear Mr. Kopp, ... It has now been five years since we worked on my big vision for the future. And I have to pay you a big compliment: more or less everything we worked on back then has been realized, which is actually incredible!


CEO, Owner, Media Technology


It has been a great opportunity working with you, Christoph. I appreciate your systematic guidance, your friendliness and your ability to guide people to explore out of their comfort zone.

Would like to take the opportunity to let you know that you have been instrumental in this year’s journey. I am very grateful for your guidance .


Vice President Asia Pacific Operations, Infrastructure Technology


As part of a project lasting several months with Mr. Kopp, we were able to successfully realign our finance department in terms of strategy, vision and collaboration.

Dear Christoph: We would like to thank you very much for the excellent collaboration and your valuable contribution!


CFO, Soccer Association


Being an executive leader myself, I witnessed how you succeeded not only in forming a bunch of experienced executives, who were all complete strangers to each other at the first workshop, into a homogeneous group in a very short time, but also in stimulating so much mutual openness and trust that in the end an incomprehensible familiarity actually developed among them. Leadership through trust. This is much more than "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas".


Senior Vice President Controlling, Telecommunication Industry


What are you here for? You asked me this question on Wednesday and together we found some great answers. It was enriching, motivating and inspiring to work with you again. Thank you!


Head of Project Management, Strategic IT, Automotive OEM


Thanks to your warmth and knowledge, it makes one feel accepted and in trustful hands, giving even more inner confidence to admit the truth.


Managing Director, Fashion Industry


I learned a lot on online Executive Presence , dealing with head hunters, talking to company during interviews, expanded my networking , higher confidence and all other intangible benefits.
Christoph carries with him a calmly, consistent, knowledgeable and likable personality. He is very detailed and helpful in providing his valuable viewpoints all the times.


Vice President Global Lean Transformation, Automotive


I perceive the coaching as very valuable help and guidance in clarifying my goals. Your personality, experience and my perception of your great professionalism gives me the confidence that I have critically thought through and scrutinized my goals. I feel confident that my goals are achievable. It is important to me that insights and goals have also become realizable through the actions we have worked on together.


CFO, Mechanical Engineering


I'm really enjoying my new job. My learning curve is extremely steep again, which is due to the fact that I have been torn out of my patterns of thinking and acting. After many years of what felt like stagnation, I finally feel like I'm developing quickly again!


CFO, Private Equity


Mr. Kopp has already supported us several times in various fundamental operational decision-making processes. He was always extremely competent and developed practical solutions and models for us. As a management consultant, Mr. Kopp is a clear recommendation for us!


CEO, Owner, Building Services

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Christoph Kopp, Executive Coach, München

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