Talk with Ricarda Kiel about social entrepreneurship and poetry

Ricarda Kiel on social entrepreneurship, poetry and modern feminism

In the third episode of Glückskinder Talk on YouTube Livestream, entrepreneur, poet and feminist Ricarda Kiel was my guest.

I spoke with her about her journey to becoming a social entrepreneur, the power of poetry, and why a modern feminism is so important to our future.

Versatile, creative, critical, committed. Ricarda wears many “life hats”, in the most diverse personal and professional areas.

A happy person is a grateful person. He is with himself and with others.

Ricarda Kiel

Web entrepreneur & poet, The Good Website

About the great value of messy interfaces

The “messy interfaces,” as Ricarda calls her very different fields of activity, do not always seem to fit together at first glance – but all the better for it at second.

Ricarda views her projects as parts that flow into each other, into a whole. As a work that she approaches with artistic means such as language, emotion, woven stories, and that aims at positive social change (Ars Ultil – useful art).

Her wish: to link topics and people, to make them liveable and thus achieve personal as well as political impact.

If you want to learn more about Ricarda and her projects, e.g. how she defines and runs her social enterprise, what she understands by feminism and how she “cultivates” her digital garden, you can see the full interview here.

If you want to jump directly to the individual topics and questions, then below you will find the timestamps that will take you exactly there on YouTube.

Please note the interview was conducted in German.


To jump directly to the desired position simply click on the time below – enjoy watching!

Please note the interview was conducted in German, hence below timestamps are German.

00:00 Willkommen, Ricarda!

02:38 Wer ist eigentlich Ricarda Kiel?

05:20 Die Unternehmerin und Webseiten-Hebamme

07:20 Die unternehmerische Verantwortung: das soziale Unternehmen

09:45 Wie gestaltest Du Deinen Weg zu einer sozialen Unternehmerin?

11:42 Wie setzt man Verkaufspreise als soziale Unternehmerin?

14:03 Die Definition des Sozialunternehmens

15:00 Was sind soziale Mehrwerte?

21:25 Über das Schreiben von öffentlichen Notizen & Digitale Gärten

25:45 Was bedeutet moderner Feminismus für Dich?

30:05 Über die Verantwortung als verantwortungsvoller Mensch

31:10 Was ist Aktivismus?

34:25 Was bedeutet Lyrik für Dich? Über die Poetin Ricarda

38:55 Hast Du uns ein Gedicht mitgebracht? Ein kurzes Gedicht

41:20 Wie bringst Du das alles unter einen Hut?

44:55 Der Drehregler – Ricardas geheimes Zeitmanagement-Tool

47:55 Bist Du ein glücklicher Mensch?

50:45 Was ist Erfolg für Dich?

53:00 Der Ausblick auf einen nächsten Talk mit Ricarda

55:30 Über Ricardas Newsletter-Schreibstil

58:05 Was steht bei Ricarda demnächst an Projekten an?

59:10 Ricarda ist die Inspiration für die Mutmacher Challenge

01:01:15 Ausblick auf den nächsten Glückskinder Talk

01:02:30 Vielen Dank, Ricarda, für ganz viel Inspiration!

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Ricarda Kiel

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