Angelika Neumann about living your own ideas with courage

It is not always a straight path that makes a person special

In fact, that is usually not at all what makes a person special, but his ability to live his own ideas with courage. And that’s exactly what Angelica stands for!

She started a creative career at the master school of fashion. But a part of her was missing to be happy: The strongly logical-analytical Angelica.

So a new direction – from creative to rational – with a business degree. In addition, the hobbyhorse mathematics and the joy of combining. Angelika found her next fulfillment in the project controlling of a large corporation.

She is fascinated by numbers, reads them like a painting – as an “abstraction of reality”, wants to see what story lies behind them, whether in balance sheets or pictures. Exciting!

Luck and success are connected. Luck may also have something to do with chance. Chance may fall to me.

Angelika Neumann

Artist & Business Consultant

Angelika Neumann on a path entirely without a career plan

Angelika Neumann - Stefano

Painting by Angelika Neumann – Stefano

There is no set career plan for them. Doors sometimes open unexpectedly. Plus a lot of gut feeling and a good “nose” that she listens to.

Then further training in psychology: because crises happen in every life – but how can you get out of them?

In addition, Angelika is also a gifted painter.

Why did she start one day her self-employment? Because the time was ripe! Angelika’s product is her know-how, with which she brings together her very different strands of experience into a complete picture.

What is important is what you enjoy doing, combined with discipline. Then, piece by piece, your path emerges. Every person has this range, but people reduce themselves only to a small part of it.

For Angelika, success is being able to do something, to contribute something, and for her it is deeply touching when something has an effect.

If you are curious, you should watch the whole talk with Angelika.

If you are interested in individual topics or questions, you can also click on the timestamps below, they will take you directly there on YouTube.

Please note the interview was conducted in German, hence all below timestamps remained in German language.


To jump directly to the desired position simply click on the time below

Please note the interview was conducted in German, hence all below timestamps remained in German language.

00:00 Countdown

00:21 Intro / Willkommen

05:50 Du hast mal geglaubt, dass Du nicht zeichnen kannst?

09:03 Wie bist dazu gekommen BWL zu studieren?

11:14 Was haben Zahlen mit einem abstrakten Gemälde zu tun?

12:32 Zwölf Jahre in einem großen Konzern

14:32 Auf den eigenen Bauch hören

17:23 Wie geht man mit der Insolvenz des Arbeitgebers um?

19:50 Der Sprung in die Selbständigkeit

24:26 Kreativ-Workshops für Unternehmen

27:16 Die Fäden aller Erfahrungen zu einem Bild zusammenfügen

29:55 Wie definierst Du Erfolg?

31:24 Was ist eigentlich Glück?

37:36 Reden wir über die Zukunft – Deine Vision?

41:30 Was rätst Du Menschen, deren Arbeitgeber insolvent geht?

45:00 Was kann ICH tun, wie kann ich mein Leben in die Hand nehmen?

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